My New Sewing Machine Seems To Be Defective
[ Tuesday November 6th 2018 at 10:00 am ]
I've been working away at making my black out curtains. Overall it has been going well. I am pleased with progress.
I'm starting to smell the motor. With a sewing machine I've used for about 9 hours this is really concerning. It's disappointing. When I was shopping for a sewing machine I had selected a model specifically made for sewing durable outdoor fabrics. Outdoor fabric is used in the black out curtains warranted by my physical disability and chronic pain.
I've passed the initial screening by the sewing machine manufacturer. The next step is onto an authorized business. This happens to be in the same city where I had my 2013 and 2015 operations.
I hope I can get this sorted out. I forgot just how much I enjoy sewing. I am looking forward to doing some crafts along side my effort in pursuit of employment.