Delivery Of Yogurt Culture
[ Tuesday October 23rd 2018 at 12:58 pm ]
One of the steps I am taking to help myself and improve my health is buying a yogurt maker. I am very careful about what I eat. Sugar makes arthritis pain worse. One of the few remaining sources of sugar I consume is in yogurt. I don't want anything to do with artificial sweeteners. There are other ways of sweetening food such as honey.
In today's mail is the yogurt culture I purchased. It is able to be re-cultured. This means I can keep reusing it to make more. I happy to see this arrive. My yogurt maker should be here next week.
I enjoy cooking. I enjoy baking. The creative part of it is very rewarding. It helps me do more with my money. I do find myself cooking in bulk and freezing. This is what is best and practical under the circumstances.