Delivery Of Shelves And Groceries
[ Wednesday July 4th 2018 at 11:00 am ]
My latest round of mail ordered non perishable groceries have been prepared. As part of this order I purchased 2 sets of shelves. These are for the ongoing deep cleaning and re-organizing of my home:
- My new 2 tier shelf will go in the bathroom. The top tier will be what I use in day to day life. The bottom tier will be for cleaning supplies. In all likelihood these supplies will be accessed by someone assisting me cleaning.
- My new 3 tier shelf will be for my computer server, cable modem, router and UPS battery backup surge protectors. Additionally all the new components I've purchased for the new server will be stored on the lower tiers. In part some components are coming from China. I need to have a system of stored as the final orders are delivered. This will also serve as storage space until I am ready to tackle this project.
I am really enjoying organizing my home. It is proving very rewarding.