Follow Up For The "Poverty Round Table"
[ Saturday November 19th 2016 at 11:31 am ]
There are several ideas have that would benefit those who receive a disability pension and low income to improve their quality of life. I've provided these to the man I connected with yesterday morning. I want to make sure these ideas are passed on if I am unable to attend because of my pain. I am including this in my blog to reach people in other areas of Canada and the world. I want to impact people with the love, grace and kindness God has shown me.
Change The Supply Chain For Wheelchair Maintenance
Instead of mobility stores buying from specific suppliers I've found some generic parts are cheaper purchased online or locally. The ODSP benefit rate could be increased without increasing the ODSP budget.
When A Wheel Bearing On A Power Wheelchair Wears Out Automatically Change The Matching Bearing On The Other Side
Changing both bearings is still within the 'minimum' rate billed.
Create a 'tool sharing' program
I am thinking in part of this as a life skill to ODSP recipients.
I am also thinking of this as empowering people as an employment opportunity --- even if it is creates only part time income.
Solar Panels
Providing low income and disability receipts who are unlikely to recover and own their own homes a solar panel system to make them self sufficient in their electricity needs.
Offer 'Tiny Home On Wheels' To Single Low Income And Disability Pension Recipients
The tiny home movement would allow a disability recipient to own a modest home. This would make the most out of the cost of housing. In turn this would drastically improve the quality of life of the recipient.
I think it would also bring some stability for those who were interested in this. Looking at about $30,000 construction cost. When you think of paying $800 a month rent 3.5 years is what would be spent to own this. Even if a 'rent to own' program was setup and taking ownership after 6 years renting.
Make Fire Wood Available For Low Income Homes With Fire Places
This summer I've witnessed countless trees being chipped at the curb. I feel these trees could be winter heating for someone who can't afford the wood for their fire place. There just needs to be a place to stock pile the wood, let it dry, cut it up and then have some type of application process to screen those who are truly in need of the wood.
Provide Recipes
Make healthy cooking recipes available that will match a low income budget for healthy eating. I utilize a chest freezer for cooking meals ahead and freeze them.
Making A Comprehensive Directory Of Social Assistance
There are so many groups and churches wanting to help. Making a comprehensive directory would allow those who need help know where it is offered.
Make A Disability Benefit For The Use Of A Local Swimming Pool And Gym
It is very difficult to afford a gym membership on a low income budget. Yet this is something which would make a huge difference in the quality of life and the social interaction which happens at a community gym and swimming pool.
Travel To A Gym Included As A Disability Travel Benefit
It frustrates me to the nth degree that the travel to a gym isn't included in the disability benefit I receive. My family doctor has prescribed that I engage in this. A free monthly bus pass should be mandatory for low income households or available on a sliding scale based on income. I actually prefer the sliding scale idea. Even if it was $10 for the year at least the people benefiting from it will have pride that they paid something towards it.
Not Deducting Rental Income From A Disability Benefit
The disability pension I receive claws back a % of rental income that in practical terms prevents it from being a source of income. I strongly feel if a doctor should be able to have this waived if the patient is being prescribed a house mate as part of managing their day to day life. I say this in the context of social assistance personal support worker funding drying up.