Appointment With My Family Doctor
[ Friday November 18th 2016 at 12:55 pm ]
I've just finished an appointment with my family doctor. I spent a solid 40 minutes with him. This time has been very well spent.
My family doctor began today's discussion with the reason why he called and left me a phone message on November 7th 2016. My family doctor attended a seminar on November 3rd 2016. After it finished he spoke to the doctor who presented the seminar. He explained the challenge of my right knee joint and asked for advice treating me. This doctor is very skilled and one of Canada's top in his field of medicine. The specialist offered to take on treating the challenges of my right knee joint.
I asked my family doctor a few key questions:
- To explain the treatment I would likely be receiving
- How the treatment would work and benefit me
- If my family doctor would pursue the treatment if he was in my position
- Since the treatment involves an injection I finally asked my family doctor if he would allow this medication into his body
In turn my family doctor had a single question for me:
- Am I able to get myself to where this doctor has his office? It is about 75 minutes from where I live.
There is medical travel reimbursement available to me. I will get the form for my family doctor to fill out. Then I will speak with my disability case worker about the treatment being recommended to me and confirm this is eligible. I explained to my family doctor there are numerous people where I live committed to seeing me recover. The logistics of travel aren't going to hinder me from receiving help. One way or another I would make plans. As I answered this my family doctor's face started glowing. He was so pleased.
I am "all in". I want what help is available for me. I was satisfied by the answers my family doctor provided. I've agreed to the referral. I am expecting an appointment within 6 months. I did ask my family doctor to make my case look severe because of the repeated setbacks.
The next item of discussion was a topic I choose: The ongoing clicking - popping of my right knee joint and the debilitating pain it is causing. At this point I showed my family doctor the binder I created to track my physiotherapy. I immediately went to the section I created to track the details of my right knee joint popping. It was very helpful. My family doctor also realized the amount of effort I went to in creating this binder.
The nature of why I wanted to discuss this was because the physiotherapist was wondering about a lubricating injection into my right knee joint. My family doctor brought up a detailed profile of the medication. This originally wasn't an effective option. Giving a patient a placebo was more effective at one point. But advances have been made. My family doctor wants me to have my physiotherapist weigh in on this type of injection in light of the other type of injection which has been proposed.
The final topic of discussion was about the knee brace I mail ordered. I showed my family doctor a picture of it. It is worth about $400 here in Canada. I've mail ordered it from overseas for $23 (including shipping). My family doctor was very pleased I choose one with metal supports. This will keep my right leg straight in case extra strain is occurring when my leg gets out of alignment.
My treatment has been full of rewarding and also challenging times. I am confident it is going in the direction that is correct. Although I have a long road ahead of me I am very grateful for the help being made available to me.