Lobbying For The Creation Of A Scotter 'Slow Vehicle Class' For Ontario Canada
[ Tuesday March 13th 2018 at 8:31 pm ]
I've done some research into alternative electric scooters. I am referring to small vehicles which are enclosed and safe to use during rain and snow. My research has led me to discover these aren't legal on Ontario Canada roads. A 'slow vehicle class' would need to be created.
I've prepared and submitted a letter to the accessibility committee of the city where I live. I've asked them to consider making a resolution that approaches the Ontario Government. My thought process is they may have more clot than me as an individual.
I am hopeful this will be implemented. The traffic division of the local city police force provided me with a summarized copy of the Traffic Act. It has been undergoing a rigerous moderinization since 2002 keeping up with emerging technologies. For the improvement in quality of life these vehicles represents I think there a case to be made.