Scanning And Shredding My Utility Bills
[ Sunday March 11th 2018 at 9:46 pm ]
I've started the next step in the deep cleaning of my home. I am using the scanner component of the new printer to digitize all my utility bills. Then I will shred the originals. This is going to free up a draw of my filing cabinet.
The only change this requires is the means of backing up my laptop computer so when the hard drive needs replacing I don't loose them. I will need to dome research in what is available for external hard drives. Ideally I want a network based hard drive (such as a personal cloud device). I want to be able to automate the process. I don't want create clutter around my computer. A network hard drive doesn't need to be beside me. I have my home wired for ethernet access. The hard drive could be elsewhere in my home yet accessible through the network.