Two Youth Stopped In To See Me
[ Tuesday January 30th 2018 at 5:27 pm ]
If you saw my post yesterday you will know I've had very serious challenges with my hip joints (both) during the past day.
The continual theme of my life is the no lack of good things happening concurrently with the challenges. Today has been no exception.
There are no lack of children, youth and young adults who randomly show up at my home. Some bring their friends for a talk with me. There are a few who are from very solid families. Most have or are enduring either personal or family challenges.
This happened again today. It was quite rewarding. Here I am in my house coat because I can't take the pain from wearing my boxer shorts and jogging pants on the lower half of my body.
The one lad today thought I was a teacher. I told him otherwise and that what I am sharing is what I've learned from life and just trying to help him have a good life in a few years from now.