An Appointment With The Bank Concerning My Inheritance
[ Thursday December 21st 2017 at 2:31 pm ]
At the start of the week I received a copy of my dad's will. I had presented to him what the disability pension I receive requires for an inheritance. My dad didn't follow through with this. When my inheritance is issued I will be put in a very difficult position. I've initiated a series of meetings to find out what the work around is.
The essence of my disability inheritance policy is that it supplements the disability pension. It is to encourage quality of life. Quite candidly a one time lump sump of money would make a huge difference to my quality life. Where I am at right now in life money (or the lack thereof) determines my quality of life. It is quite disappointing that my dad didn't follow through. However I am not surprised. My dad struggled to appropriately respond and support me with the special set of needs my physical disability and severe chronic pain creates.
Thankfully there is a second disability pension I receive. I am not entirely left in the lurch. However without coming up with a "plan B" I won't have coverage for the medication that controls my chronic pain, my wheelchair maintenance and the para transit vehicle funding which brings me to all my medical appointments.