Laminated The Next 40 Business Cards
[ Sunday September 17th 2017 at 1:23 am ]
A few weeks ago I mail ordered and received 1,000 business cards to promote my youTube videos and this web site. It is my first major marketing effort to see the vision God's given me grow. I thoroughly enjoy investing my life in others who are dealing with similar physical and pain challenges as myself.
Earlier in the week I received the next group of 40 business card laminating pouches. I just finished laminating the next 40 business cards. I am doing this for durability. My hope is people will keep passing on the business cards. I am hoping "word of mouth" will boost growth.
I've experienced amazing success inspiring people so far. The Internet has the consistency and the best possibility for me to get myself back into the work force. I so badly want more than a disability pension for my life. I am willing to put in the effort. I want to be able to travel throughout Canada. Right now this means buying a motor home and radically modifying the inside to meet the needs of my body and my power wheelchair. I most sincerely hope these baby steps will help move the vision forward.