Mail Ordered A Waterproof Motorcycle Stereo System
[ Friday September 15th 2017 at 7:23 am ]
After finishing in the pool one of the youth had several ideas for me. One of the ideas was that I should listen to music as I drive my power wheelchair to and from the pool each week night. This is a 23 minute drive each way.
The obvious concern is that ear buds would prevent me from hearing vehicles around me and could place me in harms way. I've had some inspiration this morning. I have mail ordered a waterproof motorcycle stereo system with 2 waterproof stereo speakers. This won't drain my wheelchair batteries. I am very pleased.
I've known for some time that music is good for pain control. I am hoping this will improve my quality of life. The vendor I've purchased from is in China. If I didn't purchase from an Asian country the cost would have been prohibitively expensive. Even though my finances will be extremely tight in October on account of this purchase I can justify this money to improve my quality of life. The pain I experience has been all but out of control for much of the past 2 weeks.