My MRI Of My Right Knee Joint Is Booked
[ Monday January 6th 2025 at 11:14 am ]
I have had a really pleasant surprise. My local hospital just called me. It was the MRI booking clerk. The radiologist has over ruled the emergency department doctor priority for my MRI. Instead of the 110 day wait I was expecting I have been made a high priority. It is obvious the radiologist referenced my patient chart at the hospital and has a cursory grasp of what is wrong. Instead of my MRI being classified as routine it was raised to be high priority. A 7 day wait for specialized imaging is very gracious. I have a feeling this MRI is going to be really helpful. The MRI of my right knee joint is going to be very helpful in figuring out how to plan for the recovery from my left hip replacement revision surgery. I am also hoping it will help my knee surgeon know how to help me. With how my right knee joint has degraded with each buckling instance I knee the hip and knee to be treated as a packaged and not individual problems. My right knee joint derailed the recovery from my right hip replacement surgery in 2015. 8 weeks turned into 3 years. In the present my right knee has become so much worse. I am not able to even get started. Then there is the nausea my right knee is causing me. I am only able to stand for 90 seconds before I need to sit down. I am also finding myself walking diagonally. My left artificial hip and my right knee joint in their degraded states is affected my gait quite badly.