Delivery Of The Microwave Oven I Ordered
[ Thursday November 28th 2024 at 1:12 pm ]
The microwave oven I ordered while at the hospital while waiting for the emergency department doctor to see me has already been delivered. The guaranteed day for delivery was December 9th. This is outstanding customer service. I am really glad it is here.
Over the past few days I have been talking over the idea I had involving a microwave oven with my friends. They have all validated what I have described as being viable. What I am planning to do is go on a massive cooking spree. This is in preparation for my left artificial hip to be replaced so I am able to get through the recovery.
I have a very large slow cooker. I plan to cook the meals (without rice) in it. Then I will freeze single portions in a container. Once it is frozen I will extract the food into a larger freezer safe container where I will be able to pick out one meal at a time. I will do the same with the rice. When I am again home from surgery I will I put the rice on a plate and the meal over top and into the microwave oven to unthaw and warm it up for eating. I will have a stool setup in my kitchen to sit on while the microwave oven is warming up my food. I really appreciate it a whole lot that my friends have made time to listen to me and talk over the ideas I am having to get myself and the home I own ready for surgery.
Additionally if I become very weak and fall asleep the microwave oven will just turn itself off. This takes away the risk of a house fire while my meals warm up. I haven't forgot the recovery from my 2013 and 2015 hip replacement surgeries. I remember just how much I needed sleep to recover. I clearly remember messaging friends while I had the stove turned on and explained I need someone to talk to so I wouldn't fall asleep while my food was cooking. Friends gladly did this for me. The microwave oven is a different way to accomplish the same result.