Mandatory Special Neccessities Benefit Request - The Ottawa Hospital Submitted
[ Wednesday November 13th 2024 at 12:20 pm ]
When I was at the orthopaedic clinic on October 28th 2024 the nurse practitioner filled out the form for my disability benefits to cover the medical travel to the knee surgeon my hip surgeon is sending me to. The knee surgeon is in Ottawa Ontario. With the travel I explained to the nurse practitioner that I need to spend the night in Ottawa. Otherwise the pain I am experiencing will cause me to have a migraine headache over the jostling of the travel my body will endure. The travel is about 3½ hours each way. It is just too far for one day with the state my body is presently in. I have now scanned this and submitted it through the online portal to my disability case worker. When I scanned the form I also included the "Contact Us" page from The Ottawa Hospital to show the addresses my nurse practitioner wrote were correct and help me to explain that I expect to go between the "General" and "Civic" campus for my knee surgeon appointments. This shouldn't be a problem. My disability case worker is required to follow the directive of my health care professional. I have explained I will gladly submit receipts for the money I spend on travel "after the fact". This is another thing I have been able to get done since being prescribed anti-nausea medicine. It was really hard for me from what the nausea was doing to me and how completely debilitating it was before I was prescribed medicine last week. It is really great being able to tackle more of my "to do" list again. It was bothering me so much when it kept growing longer and not being able to do anything about it.