Picked Up The Anti Nausea Medication
[ Friday November 8th 2024 at 3:02 pm ]
My plan from yesterday evening has worked. Faxing the anti nausea prescription when I arrived home from the hospital was acceptable to the pharmacy. It was ready for pick up when I arrived. I have given the pharmacy staff the original prescription paper I received.
This medicine is nothing to envy taking. It is very hard on the body. To be fair fainting from nausea is equally hard to endure and is intolerable. The pharmacist was glad to realize this was a temporary measure to get me through until when my damn left artificial hip is replaced. I have been prescribed enough to take every 8 hours. I have been thinking about how to use this medicine. What has occurred to me is to use this mid afternoon just before doing about an hour of chores that may trigger the hip. I think over the long run this is what is best to be living my life the best possible leading up to the hip replacement surgery. I still have the option to use this other times of the day as needed. The pharmacist has put the fear of God in me over using this medicine more that is medically necessary.
I just hope that after a few days I am able to have meaningful rest again and as a result be feeling better. I am finding it very difficult being physically weak. This business of an artificial hip failing inside of me extremely unpleasant to live with. The secondary effects of having trouble communicating, not having my usual awareness to assess social boundaries and the effects this had on some friendships of mine has been disappointing. I am just trying to make the best out of my life. I am grateful for the friends that have shown the maturity and grit to be supportive during this time in my life.