Purchased A Refurbished Computer To Be My Minecraft Server
[ Wednesday September 4th 2024 at 8:45 am ]
I have really been enjoying playing Minecraft. This summer I contributed towards the cost of an upgraded Minecraft hosting service. When the server memory was increased from 1GB to 6GB the game was much more playable. I have now decided I am going to setup my own Minecraft server for use by my Discord community. Also I am expecting to undergo knee surgery in the near future. I have been really looking forward to watching my in game fireplace as I go through my recovery and how challenging this will be. I have found a refurbished computer with a new SSD drive, 32GB of memory and a CPU that will support 20 other people playing with me for $265 CAD with tax. To purchase these components new along with the speakers, keyboard and mouse this comes with would be $150 more. I see this expense as investing in my quality of life and being able to co-exist with the pain and sustained physical challenges my legs are causing me. I have ordered this. It is expected to arrive on September 16th. I have about 2 weeks worth of chores to do before this will get my attention. I want more for my life. I am trying my best. The pain I experience making me feel like I am going to vomit is so debilitating. This was helping me during the summer months. I think my own Minecraft server is my best path forward. Once the server is installed and the basic infrastructure of the Minecraft world setup this will be really enjoyable and meaningful for my life.