Delivery Of The Moth Traps I Ordered
[ Saturday August 17th 2024 at 4:58 pm ]
I am feeling really happy right now. The moth traps I ordered have been delivered. This has been a real nuisance.
I purchased two different styles so I am able to spread these out. I think this is what is necessary to rid my home of the moth problem I have. To think this started when I purchased sunflower seeds for my pet hamster. I suppose this is one of those "once in a lifetime" experiences.
To cover the entirety of the main floor of my home I have purchased a pair of UV lights and 8 paper traps. It isn't practical to just use UV lights. The light these give off bothers my eyes. The sole use of UV lights wasn't possible.
I think the paper straps will work really well alongside the pair of UV lights. I will see how these perform over the past few days.