Stopped At The Pet Store To Get Gary The Hamster Some Dried Apple Treats
[ Tuesday July 30th 2024 at 2:13 pm ]
I was so happy to see Gary when I arrived home from the hospital. It meant a lot to me that Gary sat down outside of his sleeping hut to wait for me after I announced "Gary I'm home!" when I first entered my home. I want to do something special for Gary. I have just stopped at the pet store on the way to the pharmacy. I purchased more dried apple treats for Gary. He really loves them. His body language showed this the first time I gave Gary one in June. When I gave the first piece to Gary he started running in circles because he was so happy. I have purchased him another bag of these. I love my little buddy. I really enjoy caring for him. It really made me feel happy this morning when he greeted me after being at the hospital all night.