Activated My Cell Phone Data Plan
[ Wednesday June 19th 2024 at 2:14 pm ]
I have just activated my cell phone. This is the first cell phone I have ever owned. My friends have been telling me think of the cell phone as my tablet and the only difference is a smaller touch screen. Initially what I need it for is to connect with my friend when I arrive in Montreal on Friday since the train station is very large. If I some how get separated or my manual wheelchair breaks I will have the cell phone to help me. I will also use the cell phone for recording videos and taking photos while I am away. When I am home again I will need to think about how to integrate the cell phone into my day to day life. I've gone this long in life without one. I will need to be intentional figuring this out. The VOIP phone service I use has an Android app I will download and start using. This has the potential to improve my quality of life.