Purchased More Gravol On Account Of My Knee Pain
[ Wednesday June 12th 2024 at 4:05 pm ]
Today has been a true endurance test. I've been feeling like I am going to vomit from the pain in my knees since I got out of bed. My knees have been throbbing. This has been really hard. I don't like complaining about what is wrong. I was grateful that one of my close friends understands me and that there are times when I need to talk about what I am going through. It isn't like I have control over this happening to me. I have finally mustered up the stamina to go to the pharmacy and purchased some more 12 hour Gravol medication for nausea. I have been in pain for years. This business of feeling like I am going to puke as a result of being in severe pain wins for the all time worse pain sensation. I can't eat or drink anything while this is happening. When I have tried to this ups the sensation that I am going to puke and I begin to gag from how intense the sensation that I am going to vomit becomes. I am trying my best. Days like today with the love and support of my friends reminds me that I am cared about and not alone in life.