Delivery Of The Mortar And Pestle & Fan For Cooling My Router
[ Tuesday May 21st 2024 at 1:58 pm ]
The mortar and pestle I ordered has been delivered. I need to get the surgeon submerged into the world I've been living on account of my damn artificial hips. The noise the mortar and pestle creates is incredibly close to what I am hearing coming from my hips when they malfunction. The key differences are that the noise is some what muted and I can't mimic the same duration. I intend to bring this to the follow up appointment with my surgeon. I want to use this to create doubt about my artificial hips being serviceable.
Also the fan I ordered for cooling my router until I have the router server situated has been delivered. My new computer network router keeps going into a thermal shut down mode from over heating. I am sure this has to do with hosting my own website. Specifically the indexing traffic it uses. I have purchased one that can sit on the floor in front of the shelf my computer network router sits on. This will blow air above and below it. I can't have my computer network going down every 8 or so hours.