The Grinding Noise Happened In My Right Hip
[ Saturday May 18th 2024 at 1:17 am ]
I can't believe it. I just caused that grinding noise in my right artificial hip. It has been my left artificial hip that has been doing this and being troublesome since December 22nd 2023. The trauma to my right artificial hip joint that followed this has resulted in my hip joint going rigid. I am really disappointed and also concerned. I just don't understand why. All I want to do is be able to live my life. The pain this creates is so debilitating. When the hip malfunctioning makes me feel like I am going to vomit it is a whole new level of debilitating. I hope some of my friends will share their love with me. This helps me to keep going in life, feeling encouraged and to be able to face each new day. I just wasn't expecting this to happen in 2024. On February 19th the hospital emergency department doctor explained to me that she had concerns the same would happen to my right to this hip. This hasn't entirely caught me off guard. I just hope my artificial hip will begin healing as I sleep tonight. I am not able to make progress on my goals when I feel like I am going to puke from the pain. I want more for my life and am willing to put in the effort. I am not afraid of my life being hard. But I am genuinely concerned that I am loosing this uphill battle.