MRI Of My Left Artificial Hip Completed
[ Thursday May 16th 2024 at 9:25 am ]
Today's problems started yesterday afternoon. My damn artificial hip malfunctioned the same as it did on Saturday. Although this time it didn't lock on me. But it was so very painful. As well the hip was very swollen. I could barely fit into my boxer shorts. When it came time for my evening pain medication yesterday what I used in the morning just dropped off really hard. They were gone. I had a taste of what is wrong with my damn hip in all it's glory. I did my best yesterday evening to get the pain under control. It got to 11:30PM. I disconnected from playing a game, took care of Gary, had a piece of fruit and was in bed just a few minutes after midnight.
I woke up at 3:15 AM to my pain medications dropping off because of the trauma to my hip. I laid in bed until 5:50 AM. I may have slept 5 minutes during that time. I couldn't get the pain stopped and comfortable. I've had approximately 3 hours of sleep.
The few steps I took when I got out of bed made me feel like I was going to puke from the pain. It wasn't severe pain. But it was the type of pain that does this to me. I grabbed a 12 hour anti nausea pill. Then I got thinking about the position I'd have to be in for my MRI. I also took what my pain doctor prescribed on April 3rd for this. There was just enough time for this medicine to be working for when it was my turn on the MRI machine. I kept building up pain medicine in me at a safe pace. I wasn't being reckless. But there was no way I was going to get away with what I normally use while being able to cope with being strapped down to the MRI table. I've liberally used the Lidocaine (numbing cream) on all my hips and knees. In hindsight I wish I had used some on my spine as well.
I filled out the screening questionnaire. (For example you can't have a pace maker. The MRI machine would bugger it up really badly.)
Then they looked at me and asked me if there was any metal in my clothing. I had been intentional. I didn't think my hips or knees could cope with me changing my clothing before the MRI scan. Then the male technician brought up my X-ray imaging and came back to me and told me the jogging pants I wore on Sunday had metal rings where the draw string comes out. He wanted to know if I was wearing a different ones. I was honest with him. I told him I put those on first. Then I realized about the metal rings not being eligible and put on jogging pants I use while working on my projects that are all beat up. He was satisfied.
They positioned me on the table. I could feel the pain in my spine starting. I looked at the male technician and said "Would you humour me please?" He asked me if I was wanting a joke before my MRI started. I told him I am needing 1 more pill. They gladly got me a bottle of water and got me the pill I brought with me just in case.
Then I said let's just get this done and over with. They could see I was nervous. They got me into position. I wasn't liking it. I believe in God. I made one of my really short prayers when everything in my life is imploding on me. "God give me peace please". (I didn't even think about 'amen') I am not sure what I was expecting to happen. But all the concern I had with how serious my damn hip has become left me immediately.
Then I kept my eyes closed. My head was inside the MRI machine by about 12 inches. It is tight in there. I pictured my friend giving me a bear hug and not letting go of me until my MRI scan was done. The time I spent inside the machine passed quickly.
I was done at 8:23 AM. I went to the entrance where the para transit vehicle was going to pick me up. One of the hospital emergency department volunteers saw me and asked if she could help me with anything. She was being pleasant. I could see her kindness in her words to me. I told her I just had my MRI and I have another 40 minute wait until I am picked up. She told me to make myself at home in the emergency department waiting room.
Maybe 2 minutes later she spoke to a tall man (6'8"). There is a chair that has high legs for someone coming to the hospital with orthopaedic issues. She thought this would be more comfortable for this man instead of his knees being in his chest and making it hard working on his computer. I saw what the volunteering was talking about immediately. He asked if there was a power outlet beside this chair. I spoke up. I pointed out a chair that could be easily moved to the position the ideal chair for him to sit in was. This just happened to be about 6 feet from where I was positioned. His dad has ALS (commonly known as Lou Gehrig's disease), just took a fall and has a serious fracture in his hip. I talked to him for the following 55 minutes until the para transit vehicle came. It is clear he needed someone to talk to. It was obvious he was focused on his dad's needs before his emotional well being. I listened to him and responded when it seemed natural. By the time the para transit vehicle arrived I could tell he was back to being himself and was set to face the next few days.
I want to finish the letter off to the privacy officer. I have about 95% of it done. I don't want to ask for the follow up appointment until I have communicated to the hospital privacy officer that I don't want the students involved in my next appointment. I am physically tired how bad the damn hip is treating me. I am gravely concerned I just won't have the energy needed to explain what is wrong twice and answer questions. I need the surgeon to grasp just as serious this got with what the damn hip did to me on Saturday evening.