Provided My Previous MRI Imaging
[ Friday May 10th 2024 at 10:26 am ]
I have the MRI of my left hip in 6 days. I was previously told my local hospital purges imaging more than 10 years old and keeps only the reports. Since all the previous MRI imaging of my left hip is more than 10 years old I have just offered this back to my local hospital.
I have been able to do this using my Pocket Health account. This is a service I pay a nominal fee for. It is a permanent repository for my medical diagnostic imaging. This helps me bring continuity to my medical treatment. I have to travel to many of my medical appointments. This allows all my diagnostic imaging to come with me.
In terms of comparing what may have changed a previous MRI of my hip may provide some insight. My surgeon and I are both concerned that we don't have a bunch of "red herrings" be the result of the current MRI and produce an unhelpful diagnosis. So far my left hip joint has been operated on 6 times. We know the MRI will make some findings. I am hoping by providing imaging for comparison will prevent us from pursuing what isn't wrong with my artificial hip and bring about a timely resolution.