My Friend Setup My Window Air Conditioner For Use In Summer 2024
[ Friday May 3rd 2024 at 4:23 pm ]
I have some really kind friends. One of them has just finished helping me. I asked if he would setup my window air conditioner for 2024 because the warmer weather is on the way. With the way my damn artificial hip joint that has gone into hardware failure is treating me I am needing to be proactive in what I have control over to be comfortable. This is a smart window air conditioner. It is able to be controlled by an app on my tablet. It works really well. I am glad this is done. There has been so many times over the past few months where I've nearly been crawling out of skin on account of the pain. I am really glad this is in place for me to use. None of my friends are doctors or surgeons. They can't fix the root cause of what is wrong. But these types of tasks are things that friends are able to do for me. These make a bit difference to my quality of life. I am really grateful Andy was available to help me out today.