Purchased Section Dividers And Garden Growing Kits
[ Wednesday May 1st 2024 at 5:10 pm ]
I am working on a complaint of my now former family doctor. I have several documents that are going to help support what I am asserting. I have just purchased a set of dividers. Throughout the complaint I will be referring to the document each divider contains. This provides me with the mechanism to use "See Appendix A". This is going to be very helpful for me.
The other thing I have purchased is some garden growing kits. Each kit contains instructions, an 8 inch pot, seeds and soil. With my physical disability these are my thoughts of why the specific fruits and vegetables will work:
- I already purposed and planted the grape seeds. The grapes plants will require a trellis to grow. This means the actual grapes that will be harvested will grow to the part of the world that I am able to easy reach and not trigger my artificial hip to malfunction.
- With the strawberry growing kit it reminded me when I read about bucket gardening. Strawberries go well in a bucket. If this works I would love to setup a wall garden with a row dedicated to strawberries. It would be fun. It would get me outside. I'd be focused on a task instead of the pain I experience from my physical disability.
- For the cucumber growing kit I like to eat cucumbers. I have normally been buying dill pickles for the strong flavour. This will be something different for me to eat. I expect one of my friends would be willing to harvest the cucumbers for me.
- I am going to make a new memory with the cherry tomato growing kit. I am thinking that I will be able to use a trellis. This will help the branches grow to the part of the world I am able to easily reach. I think this is compatible. The last time I purchased a cherry tomato plant it grew to where the branches were 6 feet long. It was amazing. I came home from work and ate half a dozen right off the vine. I am hoping this will repeat itself.
I have decided to try something different. I think it is worth trying. If this works I will have some freshly grown food to eat.