Home From The Physiotherapy Clinic
[ Tuesday November 1st 2016 at 10:24 am ]
I've just arrived home from physiotherapy clinic. I've achieved what I set out to do:
- I've delivered the background details document I prepared this morning. The administrative assistant wasn't offended by it's length. I've had doctors compliment me on preparing effective notes in the past. There is a true art to this.
- The administrative assistant took me at my word that one of their physiotherapists treated me at my home following my hip replacement surgeries. She prepared a consent document to retrieve these physiotherapy notes. I've signed this.
- The administrative assistant agreed with my plan that the physiotherapist will read the notes I've provided before seeing me.
- I've received their intake paper work to complete. I brought this home with me to complete.
- I've also learned an unlimited number of visits to the clinic is covered on account of the disability pension I receive. My family doctor through there was a maximum limit of 12. I am grateful for the piece of mind this brings me.
On the drive home I went into the local dollar store. I've purchased a binder to keep all the physiotherapy handouts and notes together. If this doesn't restore my right knee joint and lead to my mobility restoring then the advanced organization will help me as I progress through the sequence of events to receive help for my right knee joint.
After shopping I saw a friend walking her dogs. I rode my wheelchair beside her for a visit. She has been good to me. I am grateful for the support.