Delivery Of The Grape Seeds I Ordered
[ Wednesday April 10th 2024 at 12:36 pm ]
The grape seeds I have ordered were just delivered. I am kind of excited about this. I am looking forward to growing them. I have decided with all the trouble I am having with my left artificial hip I want to be able to get outside this summer and enjoy life. I want to be able to be able to do more outside than last summer. The summer of 2023 was very difficult. I spent so much of it in bed trying to rest and recover. Even though my artificial hip has been very difficult overall my life has been trending in the right direction. There are good things happening for me right now. I have been writing some articles for my web site. I have also really enjoyed working on the rotating tips and strategies I share on my website to support others. This has brought meaning into my life. Working on my blog helps me let go of the disappointment I experience. In practical terms with all the pain I experience I need to be engaged in a chore to be outside and find it enjoyable. I think growing my grape seeds into plants will facilitate this. This means I will be able to look forward to harvesting some grapes I grew myself. I have a memory from nearly two decades ago eating grapes off the vine my sister grew. I think I will enjoy this. Even if this means I only get outside for 10 minutes each day I will find this fulfilling. I've not lost hope in my life over the challenges my hips and knees create for me.