Ordered A Replacement Router With Delivery
[ Tuesday April 9th 2024 at 12:17 am ]
The computer network router I purchased is defective. During the initial 90 minutes I was entering the IP - MAC address bindings. The router went from being responsive to taking 8 seconds to add each new entry. As well a video I was watching on Facebook kept buffering. My Internet connection has a 360 MB download speed. This has never happened before. Then the router became unresponsive. I rely on the Internet because of my physical disability. The use of the Internet facilitates friendships, online banking and shopping. I also use an Internet based phone line. Without the Internet I know I'd feel isolated very quickly. This is all about my quality of life. I need to have a computer network router that is reliable. I am going to return this as being defective.
I am not feeling great right now. My hip is really bothering me. I am going to wait until tomorrow to sort out what I will buy instead. In the long term whatever I end up with will become my wireless access point. I host my own website. I am in the midst of assembling and setting up a commercial grade router. This is to support the traffic my web site generates. I have now worn out 4 residential consumer grade routers since 2018. I obviously need to do something different. I am trying my best. I really don't enjoy self announcing problems. I do much better with being able to plan for my activities and operate my life at a pace I am able to manage. Everything considered this won't be too hard to overcome. What I have going for me is IP - MAC address binding is a computer based activity. This won't be hard on my body.