Pick Up Knee Surgery Referral For Pain Management Appointment
[ Tuesday April 2nd 2024 at 1:15 pm ]
I have just stopped by my family doctors office. I have picked up the knee surgeon referral that was refused. I am going to need this to discuss "what now" with my pain management doctor. Based on what he was presented with this surgeon doesn't feel there is a surgical option to offer me. However the referral is lacking in compared to what my now retired family doctor submitted concerning me. It simply doesn't represent the dire situation with my right knee joint. The family doctor I now have doesn't acknowledge knee buckling as an event. This doesn't make sense to me. Two years ago I had a knee surgeon tell me when a knee has buckled a total of 5 times it is typically replaced because of the pain and stiffness that is now present. When confronted with this my family doctor doubled down on her position.
My family doctor seems very disengaged in my medical treatment. This is just the latest example. I have made the decision to make a complaint against my family doctor to the College of Physicians and Surgeons. This simply can't continue. I am also not prepared to allow a doctor to deny my right to medical treatment. There are real world implications to the lack of engagement my family doctor is making in my medical treatment. I am just waiting to speak with my pain management doctor to assure I will still receive the pain medications needed for my chronic pain. The appointment with my pain management doctor is tomorrow.