I Have Now Received A Quote For Mild Steel Filler Rods For The Guinea Pig To Hamster Cage Modification Project
[ Wednesday February 21st 2024 at 2:48 pm ]
I reached out to a welding supply business to find out the cost of round ⅛" mild steel rods. The purpose is for modifying guinea pig cages into hamster cages. There needs to be rods every ½". This is in equal parts to prevent the hamster from escaping and also to give the hamster the ability to climb the walls of the cage. They have responded. Their bulk pricing is reasonable. I am going to order enough to all of cage #1 and the lower floor of cage #2. Then in fall 2024 I will order more to do the upper floor of cage #2 in time to get the second hamster in November. The third cage is needed for summer 2025. I am spacing out getting each hamster by 8 months. This means I will always have 2 hamsters here with me when the oldest passes away. The social worker at my family doctor office told me I won't find the grief of the hamster dying near as hard when there are 2 others still here with me. I am trying to help myself have a good quality of life. The idea of having a pet hamster came about when I attended a 6 week workshop for living with chronic illnesses. I am using money my youTube channel is generating to pay for this project. Part of my enjoyment in having Rocky and Mike was sharing the special moments these hamsters had with me.everyone online. I am really looking forward to this again. This has been missing from my life since when Rocky died in October 2023.