Friend Used My Physiotherapy Ultrasound Machine On My Gluteal Muscles
[ Wednesday January 11th 2023 at 6:37 pm ]
The muscles in my bum have been throbbing a lot. This has been very painful and exhausting. I can't take it. This is interfering with me making progress on my goals. Being in pain is exhausting. It is also mentally fatiguing. I start making silly mistakes because my attention to detail just isn't there when this is happening to me. In the past the use of physiotherapy ultrasound works to calm these muscles down. I decided this is the best course of action. I own a physiotherapy ultrasound unit. I can't easily reach to do this for myself. I asked one of my guy friends if he would come over to my home use this machine on the skin of my bum for me. This is similar in some ways to ultrasound used for diagnostic purposes. This is a male friend I trust and who wouldn't take advantage of me. He has just finished doing this for me. It is a vulnerable position to be in. My friend Andy is trustworthy and kind towards me. He was mature about this when I had my clothes removed for him to use the physiotherapy ultrasound machine on me.