Third Instance Of My Right Knee Buckling
[ Sunday November 26th 2023 at 1:51 am ]
I've just had something horrible happened. My right knee just buckled. I was able to stop myself from falling. But physically speaking my right knee is in a crisis again. I don't fell well. The pain is really bad. I wish this didn't happen. I had such a wonderful evening with the movie night on my Discord and this is how my day is ending. I'm tired and in pain. It is too much to figure out ramifications of this tonight. I don't want this to side track my next 3 big goals:
To finish the cleaning and organizing of my home.
I want to make it nice in here. This process is about 70% completed. I am pleased with what has been completed so far. I want to finish this off. I want to be able to have more company over. I try very hard to find the right balance between taking care of my body, giving my physical disability the attention it demands and spending time with people. I'd like to try and switch some of the time I spend with people from being online to in person. -
To finish the physical setup of my laser engraver.
What remains is the vent hood. I have the hood frame assembled. It just needs Plexiglas added for the sides, top and access points. My physical disability has been demanding so much attention during the past 5 months. The near non stop pain has been sucking energy out of me. I just didn't get to this before now. I have tried my best. I had nothing more to give in order for this to be completed. I have a pain management appointment lined up with my specialist on January 3rd. I have confidence in this doctor. He has been a good listener. He is caring towards me. I think he'll help me. This doctor took time to get to know me. I have confidence in him. -
To setup the 6 story hamster home for my next pet hamster.
I am starting to look forward to having another pet hamster. I am going to setup a 6 story hamster cage. It will be like a hamster village for a very special hamster that comes to spend his or her life with me. I am going to setup several CCTV cameras with motion sensors. I will live stream this each night to share my hamster with the world. I will need to work out how to get an Arduino to figure out which zone the hamster is in and set the corresponding camera as the one that is live. I loved sharing Mike and Rocky. I am looking forward to doing this again.
I am trying my best to forge a new path in life while ensuring I have an enjoyable quality of life. I haven't given up. But I am going to need to think through what I am able to do myself and what I ask others for help with.