Delivery Of The Spot Welder
[ Monday October 23rd 2023 at 7:22 am ]
The spot welder I ordered has arrived! I am really pleased. I purchased this used and paid for shipping. It cost me about a third the price of new. The machine is in excellent shape.
I am going to use this to convert a guinea pig cage into hamster cage. A second set of bars needed to be added. Otherwise a hamster is able to escape between the bars. I am not planning to do this until spring 2024. When I saw the model available and in good shape it was worth purchasing it now.
I want to setup a 6 story hamster cage for the next hamster I get. I plan to have different CCTV cameras and set up motion sensors to determine which camera is being viewed. I also want to setup a camera to measure how fast and how far the master runs on his wheel. I really enjoyed taking care of Rocky. I also enjoyed watching the previous nights CCTV the following day. This will give a hamster the best life possible. I will be able to get the know the hamster on his or her terms. Rocky realized he could summon me by standing in certain postures. I hope this is able to happen with a future hamster.
The upshot is that I am looking forward to constructing this and the programming involved in setting this up. I enjoy using my hands and seeing what I create. i also enjoy getting stuck into a project even when it gets frustrating. It should be enjoyable. the house is quiet without Rocky. but I am not ready for another hamster yet. I am still grieving from him dying.