Rocky The Hamster Has Been Buried
[ Monday October 16th 2023 at 5:34 pm ]
I have just done the hardest thing I have had to do in quite a while. I just buried Rocky The Hamster. Even right now I could dig him back up to hold him one more time. I really enjoyed caring for him. It was neat getting to know him. I found it really interesting just how useful the CCTV camera was in him summoning me for food and pets. I also really enjoyed the times Rocky slept in the sleeve of my house coat. It always made me happy to see him.
Just over a week ago Rocky developed an abscess in his left cheek. initially i thought he had food in there. When I realized what was wrong I researched it. For hamsters once the human care giver is able to identify that it is an abscess it is already too late for the hamster. I focused on keeping Rocky comfortable during his final week of life. It was wonderful seeing him each day. I enjoyed preparing his breakfast buffets. It was great showing Rocky affection. Rocky was here to care for me when my legs hurt at night. It has been a very special 2 years. I miss Rocky.