Rocky The Hamster Is Two Years Old
[ Saturday October 7th 2023 at 12:00 am ]
One of my wishes for Rocky has come true: Rocky has made it to his second birthday. I am really glad about this. I have been trying my very best to give Rocky a good life. He beat the odds after getting an abscess in his left ear lobe 6 months ago. He was expected to live 3 months. Rocky trusts me and was willing to stand still on my hand as I treated the abscess with the same style of treatment used on warts by freezing them. He was too old to undergo the surgery to have it removed. Doing so would have resulted in his death. Of course this is doing more harm than good. Unfortunately he is showing the signs of old age. I don't think he will be with us too much longer. But at least I was able to wish him a "happy birthday" and give him forehead pets. I really enjoy feeding Rocky from my hand. It has been the highlight of many days as I supported Rocky while treating his abscess.