A Trip To The Emergency Department To Have My Right Eye Assessed
[ Thursday October 5th 2023 at 2:23 am ]
My right eye is not doing okay. It is like my right eye is pouting because it hasn't got it's own way. I have been methodically trying to get this recovered since August without success:
- The remaining pink eye medication I had from spring 2024 caused by getting pink eye from treating my hamster's illness didn't improve the eye.
- The "over the counter" eye drop medication hasn't worked.
- Here in Ontario Canada pharmacists are allowed to prescribe medication for certain ailments. The medication prescribed hasn't worked.
- Rinsing my eye helps in the moment but isn't causing my eye to recover.
I can't get an appointment with my family doctor for several weeks. I am backed into a corner. I have had no choice but to go to my local hospital emergency department to have my eye looked at. I am happy with this visit to the emergency department.
The doctor isn't sure what is wrong with my eye. I appreciate it when a doctor is willing to say they don't know. In my experience when a doctor acknowledges this he or she is willing to go out of their way to get me help. This is what happened this evening. Everything the emergency department doctor is able to rule out as not being wrong he has. This is the extent of his eye knowledge. An urgent referral is being sent to the top eye doctor in this area of Ontario Canada to figure out what is wrong. I am happy with this.