Encouragement While Playing Computer Mini Golf
[ Monday September 4th 2023 at 9:30 pm ]
I have just had a really special and encouraging moment as we were mini golfing. The people in the mini golf game started talking about how I am the nucleus of the group and bring everyone together. It was really heart warming and encouraging to hear this. I didn't set out for this to transpire.
I was intentional in trying to get to know a few people who regularly play mini golf in Tower Unite during the evenings. I am willing to share my life. Building relationships is something I find easy. My self esteem and self confidence have remained intact even though I have a physical disability. I haven't struggled with these issues. I don't find it unnerving when I am being watched on account of being different. I've simply tried my best to embrace my physical disability to have the best life possible..
I personally benefit from the social interaction. My life would be much harder if I didn't have support which comes from this group of online friends. Most of the time I don't feel alone. There is almost always an online friend available to casually talk to when I am trying to make a difficult decision and my only possible outcome is going to be the lesser of all evils. On account of my physical disability I primarily rely on the Internet in order to spend time with people. The casual chatting while playing mini golf has been a positive experience for me.
I just didn't realize the impact I've had on this group. We've been able to focus on what we have in common and not controversial topics such as politics or religion. It has been great seeing this grow over the past year. This was unexpected encouragement this evening. It was truly wonderful.