My Knees Are Back In The Same State My Left Hip Went In 2006
[ Saturday August 19th 2023 at 8:50 pm ]
I'm gutted. My knees aren't doing okay. They are both the same way my left hip went in 2006. It was so hard to make my left hip move back them. Then with minimal use it would stop working altogether. It is the same with my knees tonight. I wish this wasn't happening to me. I have tried so hard to avoid this. I am going to need more surgeries. I just hope I can get an orthopaedic surgeon to hear me out and understand me. So many of them have become nervous since what is wrong is so unique. This is on account of the hip disease I had not being understand in the late 1970's. The health care community did a lot of collateral damage. They didn't know they were further injuring me at the time. I am not mad. A doctor doesn't wake up each day with the intent of injuring their patients. At least the health care community figured out how to treat the hip bone disease I had in the 1990's so others don't have to endure what I am. I just hope I can get help before I run out of physical endurance. This is turning my life into a sustained marathon. I am not sure how much my body will be able to take.