Administered Treatment #6 For Rocky The Hamster's Abscess With Cryogenic Freezing
[ Tuesday July 25th 2023 at 10:35 pm ]
I just gave Rocky his next treatment for the abscess growing on his ear. I love my little hamster. I am enjoying caring for him. I love watching the CCTV of his exploits while I am asleep. I watch this while I eat my meals. With the bond I have with Rocky he has done very well to stand still so I may use wart freezing treatments to keep the abscess at bay. This doesn't fix the abscess. But Rocky is a senior citizen. The operation to remove the abscess will kill him. Of course killing Rocky would be doing more harm than good. Rocky co-operates with me. I just give him a few forehead pets before and after. He knows what to expect. It is very easy taking care of him. I am not sure how long he will live. For now this is giving him a reasonable quality of life.