Administered Treatment #3 For Rocky The Hamster's Abscess With Cryogenic Freezing
[ Saturday July 15th 2023 at 1:01 am ]
I just gave Rocky the third freezing treatment for his abscess. I am trying my absolute best to walk a fine line. I've had cryogenic freezing performed on me. It stings when it is being applied. About 90% of this lets up when the cold temperature is no longer applied. The remaining 10% goes away over the next 20 minutes. Rocky tried pushing my hand away to remove the freezing treatment. When I resisted he rested his paw. Then tried again 2 seconds later. I immediately let go after his second attempt. Then I pet Rocky's forehead and applied the antibiotic gel to the base of his ear to protect him from infection (from the abscess and the freezing treatment.) What happened next really amazed me: Rocky went onto foraging. He took it well.
I have some positive news. This style of treatment kills cells. For example I've seen vets use this to treat cancer where cutting out the mass wasn't possible or in the animals best interests. I see on Rocky what I need to happen is. There is an area of black in his abscess. I expect this will fall off within a few days. I am really pleased and relieved. I need to give 2 - 3 days to see what transpires before I consider doing this again. I don't want to be hard on Rocky's body. I don't find this fun. But given Rocky's age I think this is best for him. Following treatment #2 I saw Rocky running on his wheel while I was asleep. He is doing a great job of being resilient. I love my little buddy.