Started Work On My 2022 Income Tax Return
[ Friday June 16th 2023 at 4:30 pm ]
The year 2023 has had it's share of curve balls and unexpected challenges. The issues with my knee joints have continued to evolve. Between pain related challenges and some emergency household repairs that I faced starting in February I haven't been able to follow what I was planning to do. I have just started work on my 2022 income tax return. I need to finish this off next week and get it filed. I do have a Disability Tax Certificate on file with Canada Revenue Agency. They are understanding. But this is something I just need to get done and not be hanging over me. I am really glad to have started this. I don't find preparing this challenging. It is just a matter of having sufficient quality sleep and having the upper hand on my chronic pain. I think when the time comes to prepare 2023 I may hire an accountant. Overall I need to be considering what are my strengths that I excel at doing and what are tasks someone else could be doing for me to make my life easier.