Severe Pain In My Right Knee
[ Wednesday May 24th 2023 at 12:03 am ]
My right knee joint isn't okay today. I should be going to bed right now. But I can't get comfortable and be able to fall asleep from the pain in my right now. I have a pain appointment on June 1st with a specialist. It really can't come fast enough. I am badly needing quality sleep. The broken sleep has become more oppressive than the pain. That in itself is an achievement. The concerning part right now is when I went to use the tub I discovered a large bruise and swelling over my right knee. It likely means the meniscus has been further damaged. My decision is to get the pain under controlled before seeking the appointment with the orthopaedic surgeon. I need to be able to articulate what is wrong. The silver lining right now is that I like my pain management doctor. He is an attentive listener. He is caring. He has been kind to me. I know I will be taken serious when I do have my appointment in a week.