Rocky The Hamster's Abscess Has Burst
[ Monday May 1st 2023 at 3:25 pm ]
The abscess on Rocky The Hamster has burst. The build up of puss is rigid. The opening isn't yet wide enough for this to exit. Rocky is responding well to this with the antibiotic ointment I have been putting on him. When I pressed on it Rocky stood on his rear paws and used his front paws to move my finger out of the way. I am inclined to continue giving him the antibiotic gel and giving it a few days to fall off (like the first abscess did). If this doesn't happen naturally then I will have to consider taking him to a vet for treatment.
What has led to this discovery is so very special. At noon I got Rocky out to put the antibiotic ointment on him. Rocky stood still as I pet his forehead very gently several times. Then Rocky climbed up my sleeve. He settled down and I saw quietly as Rocky settled down for a rest. My previous hamster, Mike, did this. I really enjoyed holding Mike as he slept in my hand. I was equally enjoying it as Rocky was resting. When Rocky was still in my sleeve after 90 minutes I peeked in the arm to see what was happening. I made a really precious discovery. Rocky was laying on his left side asleep. He was leaning against my arm. It was truly wonderful.
After 2½ hours I needed to use the washroom. As well I had put my lunch into the slow cooker just prior to getting Rocky out. It was ready for eating after about 25 minutes and the rice cooker was keeping it warm. I had been waiting for Rocky to wake up and ask to be carried back to his home before getting it. When I had to use the washroom Rocky woke up and I tucked him back into bed in his home for finishing his rest.
I really enjoyed this. It has been months since I sat still. I get a lot of enjoyment out of caring for Rocky. I really enjoy caring and providing for him. I am so grateful Rocky has reached the comfort level with me to be in a vulnerable position. I love Rocky very much.