Week 5 Of The Grief Support Group
[ Wednesday April 19th 2023 at 8:25 pm ]
The grief group was interesting tonight.
It is suppose to be a group for ages 20 to 45. Only myself and 1 other person attended tonight. There is possibly only a 3rd person who will finish. The upshot is that I was able to talk for about 35 minutes out of the 2 hours. They encouraged me to talk. This really is the best thing that could happen for me at this time in my life. Also I have my next social worker appointment on Friday.
The overall theme tonight was time - physical effort - emotional energy balance (almost in the context of a currency). For the group assignment I simply started with a blank page and did it again.
We were asked to make a pie chart to differentiate between:
- Survival (essential tasks of life and keeping oneself alive)
- Enhancement activities (what brings fun, joy and purpose)
- Grief
We were asked to do this 3 times (shortly following the death, this past week and where we hope to be in a year from now). What I did differently than in November 2022 was related activities. This was more tangible than a theoretical exercise.
The home work for this week is making the memory board. They asked me my thoughts about this. I am going to do this again. It was an absolute miserable exercise in November 2022. But it was helpful / profitable. It was well worth it. I plan to do something again. I am not sure just what. I am again thinking about something sewing or something for my wall that I could display. I am not sure yet. I will need to decide tomorrow.
Overall the time was well spent. It is isn't pleasurable. But it is well worth it.