Delivery Of Replacement Sump Pump Float
[ Friday March 3rd 2023 at 8:18 am ]
The technical support employee from DeWalt has simply been outstanding. Besides helping me resolve why my new sump pump jammed when it was first turned on he also offered to send me a new float for the sump pump I'm replacing. It has arrived today. This came about when I sent a video to show the technician my setup. I did this so the technician could understand what has gone wrong, be able to explain to me why it jammed and the process to unjam what is a new DeWalt sump pump. As it turned out the reason the new sump pump jammed was because of sand that had built up in my sump pump pit. This new model sump pump is able to process pebbles. The problem with sand is because of the tight tolerances. My technician's attention to detail has been simply outstanding. In the video I made for he saw that the float on the sump pump I am replacing is jamming on and proactively offered to send me a replacement. This is so in the event my new DeWalt sump pump jams again I won't be stuck while waiting for an able body friend to flush out my DeWalt sump pump. I have been very well taken care of. I couldn't be more pleased with the quality of the help I received.