A Grief Support Appointment
[ Tuesday December 13th 2022 at 2:33 pm ]
I have had my next grief support appointment. This is to help me with my aunt dying. When we got to the one year anniversary of her death I started to really miss her. This is helping.
The social worker had suggested I join a grief support group. I asked the agency she had recommended. Their group was back to meeting in person. I knew this wasn't going to be a reliable option for me because of the pain I experience in my legs. They referred me to a different grief support group who was using Zoom for their meetings. The 7 weeks complete this evening and the group will be over (except for a reunion in 5 weeks). I am still needing help.
The problem I've had is the amount of pain I experience and the effort it is taking to overcome my legs doesn't leave me with the ability to address emotional related issues as fast as before I began to experience chronic pain. The social worker is able to go at a pace that I am able to handle.
I've been out shopping. I've purchased a binder and section dividers. I am using my laser printer to photocopy the agenda and homework for each week. Then I am going through to highlight and write down the specific items I need the social worker to do with me. She is happy to do this. I need to have this ready for my January 3rd 2023 appointment. I will complete this tomorrow. I've been pacing myself so I don't wear down my ability to co-exist with the chronic pain I experience.
The 7 week group has been very helpful. I am glad I joined it. I've got a lot out of it. I've been up against my right knee buckling on September 30th and the surge in pain this caused me as well as the physical effort to create the annual Christmas Lights video. I still need to be able to live my life during this process. I am happy. I clearly needed this. It is worth investing in myself.