Follow Up About My Artificial Hip
[ Thursday November 17th 2022 at 3:30 pm ]
I am lost. My left artificial hip has been making an almighty grinding noise. This has been very painful. It isn't each time. I don't recognize the pattern. I know this a characteristic of the ceramic hip - ceramic ball style artificial hips when the patient is tall. I am struggling to accept that this is okay for the amount of pain I am experiencing when this happens.
I arranged an appointment with the orthopaedic surgeon who replaced my hip joints. He isn't as concerned as I am. I do trust him. But something is still eating at me. I can't put my finger on what. My gut is telling me this is going to come back with a vengeance in the future and continue to be problematic.
The surgeon who replaced my hips is encouraging me to stand up frequently and not to allow myself to become dehydrated. I do keep a water bottle beside me as I work on the computer. Trying to stand up and make use of my artificial hips is becoming hopelessly impractical. My knee joints are not okay.
I do understand these are a well tested product. I saw a video of someone treating my artificial hip as a golf ball. They are robust. It is all the pain that is concerning. I am only human. Even though I have the physical challenges I haven't given up on my life. Being in pain sucks energy out of me faster than I am able to recover. I am not wanting to spend my life in bed resting or quietly watching a video.
I do understand the process of recovering from surgery. I grasp that a period of healing follows each of my surgeries. Having my day to day life shut down on me is upsetting. It was different when this was an occasional bad day. I am wanting to thrive in life. I have no desire to be playing a real life game of survival.