The Hard Drive Is Coming
[ Friday May 19th 2017 at 10:30 pm ]
My new hard drive has arrived in Canada! I should receive it at the end of this week or the start of next week. I owe $10.83 CAD for duty and import charges. It will be delivered to the postal outlet near my home and I'll have to go there to retrieve it. I hope the weather will co-operate. There is more rain in the forecast. I am looking forward to receiving it.
This hard drive will be for my new server. I host my own web sites. I've done this since 2012. The current server was made in 1998. The reason I am having to retire it is because it is a 32 bit CPU. These are being phased out. The standard is 64 bit.
A fringe benefit of this is that my new server computer is super energy efficient. I will save about $20 a month on my electricity bill.
I'll have some work to do setting this up. I'll need to migrate my web sites. Also there are a number of security protocols to implement. All in all this is progress.