Grief Support Appointment
[ Monday October 17th 2022 at 2:03 pm ]
When my mom died I was having only the odd bad day with the hip that had Legg Perthes disease and the knee that took the brunt of my childhood treatment. By the time my grandma died what is wrong had progressed requiring my first adult hip reconstructive surgery. I was still managing some semblance of my life. With the challenges I am now having with pain control and broken sleep I've asked my family doctor office for appointments with the social worker. I miss my aunt that died from cancer in July 2021. I enjoyed her company. We had sewing and crafts in common. She was supportive with the challenges my hips and knees were creating. I thoroughly enjoyed playing Scrabble with her as she went through her unsuccessful cancer treatment. I have lots of good memories of the time I spent with her. I miss talking to her.